Strategic Plan Framework

This graphic represents a framework with which to organize the key elements of Rutgers’ strategic plan. It is an evolving diagram, shaped by the input of the community and the analyses completed throughout the strategic planning process. The strategic plan framework will not be finalized until a final report is presented to the Board of Governors in fall 2013. You can submit your ideas and comments for this framework at any time through this website's comments section. The elements of the framework are described below:

  • Aspiration: Rutgers' overarching ambition—where the university wants to be in 10–15 years
  • Pillars: Strategic focus areas that will drive the university's progress over the next 10 years
  • Within Pillars: Goals and initiatives necessary to achieve desired aspiration
  • Foundational elements: Fundamental components of the strategy that must be in place to support a higher-performing, more efficient organization
