Selected Academic Publications

Robert L. Barchi


R.P. Lisak and R.L. Barchi. (1982) Myasthenia Gravis. A volume in the "Modern Problems in Neurology" series, W.B. Saunders, Co., Phila., PA. 244 pages.
Translated into Russian and reprinted in 1984.

R. Rosenberg, S. Prusiner, S. DiMauro, R. Barchi, and L. Kunkel, eds. (1993) The Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurologic Disease, Butterworth Publishers, Stoneham, MA. 1023 pages.

R. Rosenberg, S. Prusiner, S. DiMauro, R. Barchi, eds. (1996) Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological Disease, Second edition (1997).

G. Fenichel, R. Rosenberg, S. Prusiner, D. Mauro, R. Barchi. (1999) Clinical Companion to the Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological Disease, Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers, Stoneham, MA.
Polish edition published (1999) D.W. Publishing, Poland

R. Rosenberg, S. Prusiner, S. DiMauro, R. Barchi, and E. Nestler. (2003) Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease. Third Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, pub. 844 pages.

Selected Research Articles Published since 1980

R.L. Barchi and L.E. Murphy. (1980) Size characteristics of the solubilized sodium channel STX binding site from mammalian sarcolemma. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 597:391-398.

D. Chalikian and R.L. Barchi. (1980) Fluorescent probe analysis of erythrocyte membrane physical properties in myotonic muscular dystrophy. Neurology 30:227-285.

R.L. Barchi, S.A. Cohen, and L.E. Murphy. (1980) Purification of the excitable membrane sodium channel STX binding component from sarcolemma. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 77:1306-1310.

H.K. Shapiro and R.L. Barchi. (1981) Alteration of synaptosomal plasma membrane cholesterol content: membrane physical properties and cation transport proteins. J. Neurochem. 36:1813-1818.

S.A. Cohen and R.L. Barchi. (1981) Glycoprotein characteristics of the sarcolemmal sodium channel. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 645:253-261.

R.L. Barchi and L.E. Murphy. (1981) Estimate of the molecular weight of the sarcolemmal sodium channel using H20-D20 centrifugation. J. Neurochem. 36:2097-2100.

D.M. Chalikian and R.L. Barchi. (1982) Sarcolemmal desmosterol accumulation and membrane physical properties in 20,25-diazacholesterol myotonia. Muscle & Nerve 5:118-124.

J.B. Weigele and R.L. Barchi. (1982) Functional reconstitution of the purified sodium channel from rat sarcolemma. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 79:578-589.

R.L. Barchi. (1983) Protein components of the purified sodium channel from rat skeletal muscle sarcolemma. J. Neurochem. 40:1377-1385.

J. Tanaka, J. Eccleston and R. Barchi. (1983) Cation selectivity in a purified, reconstituted sodium channel. J. Biol. Chem. 258:7519-7526.

R.L. Barchi and J. C. Tanaka. (1984) Cation gating and selectivity in a purified voltage-dependent sodium channel. Biophys. J. 45:35-37.

R.L. Barchi, J.C. Tanaka and R.E. Furman. (1984) Molecular characteristics and functional reconstitution of muscle voltage-sensitive sodium channels. J. Cell. Biochem. 26:135-146.

S.D. Kraner, J.C. Tanaka and R.L. Barchi. (1985) Purification and functional reconstitution of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel from rabbit T-tubular membranes. J. Biol. Chem. 260:6341-6347.

R.E. Furman, J.C. Tanaka, P. Mueller, and R.L. Barchi. (1986) Voltage-dependent activation of the purified sodium channel from rabbit T-tubular membranes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:488-492.

J.M. Casadei, R.D. Gordon, and R.L. Barchi. (1986) Immunoaffinity purification of sodium channels from rat skeletal muscle: analysis of subunit composition. J. Biol. Chem. 261:4318-4323.

R.D. Gordon, W.E. Fieles, D.L. Schotland, R. Hogue-Angeletti and R. Barchi. (1987) Topological localization of a C-terminal region of the voltage-dependent sodium channel using antibodies raised against a synthetic peptide. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:308-312.

J.M. Casadei and R.L. Barchi. (1987) Monoclonal antibodies against the voltage-sensitive sodium channel from rat skeletal muscle:  mapping antibody binding sites. J. Neurochem. 48:773-778.

R.A. Roberts and R.L. Barchi. (1987) The voltage-sensitive sodium channel from rabbit skeletal muscle: chemical characterization of subunits. J. Biol. Chem. 262:2298-2303.

B. Haimovich, D. Schotland, W. Fieles, and R. Barchi. (1987) Localization of sodium channel subtypes in adult rat skeletal muscle using channel-specific monoclonal antibodies. J. Neurosci. 7:2957-2966.

S.S. Cooperman, S.A. Grubman, R.L. Barchi, R.H. Goodman and G. Mandel. (1987) Modulation of sodium channel mRNA levels in rat skeletal muscle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:8721-8725.

R.D. Gordon, Y. Li, W.E. Fieles, D.W. Schotland and R.L. Barchi. (1988) Topological localization of a protein segment (AA927-938) of the eel voltage-dependent sodium channel that discriminates between models of 3o structure. J. Neurosci. 8:3742-3749.

J. Trimmer, S. Cooperman, S. Tomiko, J. Zhou, S. Crean, M. Boyle, R. Kallen, Z. Sheng, R. Barchi, F. Sigworth, R. Goodman, W. Agnew, and G. Mandel. (1989) Primary structure and functional expression of a mammalian skeletal muscle sodium channel. Neuron 3:33-49.

S. Kraner, J. Yang and R. Barchi. (1989) The skeletal muscle sodium channel:  structural inferences from patterns of endogenous proteolysis. J. Biol. Chem. 264:13273-13280.

R.G. Kallen, Z. Sheng, J. Yang, L. Chen, R.B. Rogart and R.L. Barchi (1990) Primary structure and expression of a sodium channel characteristic of denervated and immature rat skeletal muscle. Neuron 4:233-242.

J. Yang and R.L. Barchi. (1990) Phosphorylation of the rat skeletal muscle sodium channel by cyclic CMP-dependent protein kinase. J. Neurochem. 54:954-962.

S.J. Zwerling, S.A. Cohen, and R.L. Barchi. (1991) Analysis of protease-sensitive regions in the skeletal muscle Na+ channels in vitro and implications for channel tertiary structure. J. Biol. Chem. 266:4574-4580.

A.L. George, D.H. Ledbetter, R.G. Kallen, and R.L. Barchi. (1991) Assignment of a Human Skeletal Muscle Sodium Channel Gene (SCN4A) to 17q23.1-25.3. Genomics 9:555-556.

M.M. White, L. Chen, R. Kleinfield, R.G. Kallen, and R.L. Barchi. (1991) Functional Expression  of Tetrodotoxin-insensitive sodium channels from SkM2 cDNA clones. Mol. Pharmacol. 29:604-608.

J. Yang, J.T. Sladky, R.G. Kallen, and R. L. Barchi. (1991) TTX-sensitive and TTX-insensitive sodium channel mRNA transcripts are independently regulated in adult skeletal muscle after denervation. Neuron 7:421-427.

J.S. Beckman, A.F. Hahn, W.F. Brown, R.D. Campbell and A.J. Hudson. (1991) Paramyotonia congenita and hyperkalemic periodic paralysis are linked to the adult muscle sodium channel gene. Ann. Neurol. 30:810-816.

L. Ptacek, A.L. George, R.C. Griggs, R. Tawil, R.G. Kallen, R.L. Barchi, M. Robertson and M. Leppert. (1991) Identification of a mutation in the gene causing hyperkalemic periodic paralysis. Cell 67:1021-1027.

A.L. George, J. Komisarof, R.G. Kallen and R.L. Barchi. (1992) Primary structure of the adult human skeletal muscle voltage-dependent sodium channel. Annals of Neurology 31:131-137.

M.A. Gellens, A.L. George, L. Chen, M. Chahine, R. Horn, R.L. Barchi and R.G. Kallen. (1992) Primary structure and functional expression of the human cardiac TTX-insensitive voltage-sensitive sodium channel. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:554-558.

S. Cohen, and R.L. Barchi. (1992) Localization of epitopes for antibodies that differentially label sodium channels in skeletal muscle surface and T-tubular membranes. J. Memb. Biol. 128:219-226.

L.J. Ptacek, A.L. George, R.L. Barchi, R.C. Griggs, J.E. Riggs, M. Robertson and M. Leppert. (1992) Mutations in an S4 segment of the adult skeletal muscle sodium channel cause paramyotonia congenita. Neuron 5:899-906.

M. Chahine, L.-Q. Chen, R.G. Kallen, R.L. Barchi and R. Horn. (1992) Expressed Na+ channel clones differ in their sensitivity to external Ca++ concentration. Biophys. J. 62:37-40.

M. Chahine, L.-Q. Chen, R.L. Barchi, R.G. Kallen and R. Horn. (1992) Lidocaine block of human heart Na+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 24:1231-1236.

K. Klocke, K. Kaupmann, A.L. George, R.L. Barchi and H. Jockusch. (1992) Chromosomal mapping of muscle-expressed sodium channel genes in the mouse. Mouse Genome 90:433-435.

A.L. George, G.S. Iyer, R. Kleinfield, R.G. Kallen, R.L. Barchi. (1993) Genomic organization of the adult skeletal muscle sodium channel gene. Genomics 15:598-606.

L.J. Ptacek, L. Gouw, H. Kwiecinski, P. McManis, J. Mendell, R.J. Barohn, A.L. George, R.L. Barchi, M. Robertson and M.F. Leppert. (1993) Sodium channel mutations in paramyotonia congenita and hyperkalemic periodic paralysis. Annals of Neurology 33:300-307.

J.R. Yang, P.B. Bennett, N. Makita, A.L. George, and R.L. Barchi. (1993) Expression of the sodium channel beta-1 subunit in rat skeletal muscle is co-regulated with the TTX-sensitive alpha subunit isoform. Neuron 11, 915-922.

Z. Sheng, H. Zhang, R.L. Barchi and  R.G. Kallen. (1994) Multiple positive and negative 5'-flanking gene segments control rat skeletal muscle voltage-sensitive sodium channel subtype 2 (SkM2) expression in skeletal muscle. DNA and Cell Biology 13:9-23.

M. Chahine, A.L. George, M. Zhou, S. Ji, W. Sun, R.L. Barchi and R. Horn. (1994) Sodium channel mutations in  paramyotonia congenita destabilize inactivation. Neuron 12:1-20.

S. Ji, W. Sun, A.L. George, R. Horn and R.L. Barchi. (1994) Voltage-dependent regulation of modal gating in rat SkM1 sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. J. Gen. Physiol. 104:625-643.

N. Yang, S. Ji, M. Zhou, L. Ptacek, R. Barchi, R. Horn and A. George. (1994)  Sodium channel mutations in paramyotonia congenita exhibit similar biophysical phenotypes in vitro. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:12785-12789.

W.-J. Sun, R.L. Barchi and S.A. Cohen. (1995) Probing sodium channel cytoplasmic domain structure: evidence for the interaction of the rSkM1 amino- and carboxyl-termini. J. Biol. Chem. 270:22271-22276.

S. Ji, A.L. George, R. Horn and R. L. Barchi. (1996) Paramyotonia congenita mutations reveal different roles in the gating of hSkM1 sodium channels for regions in D3/S3 and S4. J. Gen. Physiol. 107:1-12.

R.L. Barchi. (1997) Quality of Care Issues in Academic Neurology Departments. Arch. Neurol. 54:1336-1340.

M.A. Rich, M.J. Pinter, S.D. Kraner, and R.L. Barchi. (1998) Loss of electrical excitability in an animal model of acute quadraplegic myopathy. Ann. Neurol. 43:171-179.

S. Kraner, S. Ji, G. Filatov, W. Sun, P. Bannerman, J. Lindstrom and R. Barchi. (1998) Analysis of local structure in the D2/S1-2 region of the rat skeletal muscle type 1 sodium channel using insertional mutagenesis. J. Neurochem. 70:1628-1635.

S.D. Kraner, M.M. Rich, R.G. Kallen and R.L. Barchi. (1998) Two E-boxes are the focal point of muscle-specific skeletal type 1 sodium channel gene expression. J. Biol.Chem. 273:11327-11334.

G. Filatov, T. Nguyen, S. Kraner and R. Barchi. (1998) Inactivation and secondary structure in the D4/S4-5 region of the SkM1 sodium channel. J. Gen. Physiol. 111:703-715.

S. Kramer, M. Rich, M. Sholl, H. Zhou, C. Zorc, R. Kallen and R. Barchi. (1999) Interaction between the skeletal muscle type 1 Na+ channel promoter E box and upstream repressor elements. J. Biol. Chem. 274:8129-8136.

H. Zhang, M.N. Maldonado, R.L. Barchi and R.G. Kallen. (1999) Tandem redundant promoter elements from the tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-sensitive Na+ channel (rSkM2) gene can independently drive muscle-specific transcription in L6 cells. Gene Expression 8:85-106.

Barchi, R.L. and Lowery, B.J. (2000) Scholarship in the medical faculty from the University perspective: retaining academic values. Academic Medicine 75:899-905.

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