Strategic Plan Implementation

"We are the ones we've been waiting for."
Stragetic Plan Update—Spring 2017
Seed Grant Open House February 16, 2016 4-6pm
Meet the people at RU-N and among community partners who have been working tirelessly over the last six months to make Rutgers Newark’s innovative strategic plan a reality.
School & College Level Strategic Plans
Rutgers 2030: Physical Masterplan for Rutgers University - Newark
Read the Preliminary P3 Recommendations Report
Strategic Plan Implementation Update (October 22, 2015)Strategic Plan Open House Overview
Staffing for the New Mission Resources
Strategic Plan Implementation Update (April 27, 2015)This is a great time for us here at Rutgers University-Newark! In the seven months since our Strategic Plan Convocation, the university community already has accomplished a great deal. Thanks to the time and effort of many students, staff and faculty, who have given so much of their time and effort, we are excited now to share progress being made on plans and activities to move forward in addressing our strategic priorities. On April 22nd, we held two open forums to provide a full update, including reports on: • Renovations and updates to wifi, classroom and common space, • Plans for improving the student experience, • Information on research and scholarship, including the reorganization of our research infrastructure, the Seed Grant program and the Initiative for Multidisciplinary Research Teams (IMRT), • Recommendations from the Anchor Mission, New Professoriate, Leveraging Our Diversity, and Staffing for the New Mission action groups, and • Plans for the Honors Living Learning Community. The information that was presented is reflected in the slide show available on this website. For some areas, this is the first step in a process of conversation with our Rutgers University-Newark community. For others, particularly renovations and structural plans, you should see changes happening through the summer. In regard to the action groups, the preliminary recommendations, due to the Chancellor and her leadership team by May 1, will be vetted through the community in accordance with the differing schedules and needs of each of the action groups. For example, the Staffing for the New Mission group will be engaging their volunteer reviewers in the near future, and then expects to present their recommendations in June, while the New Professoriate group plans to engage the deans and the various faculties in longer conversations about recommendations that affect a broad range of concerns, including valuing, assessing and rewarding publicly engaged scholarship and tenure and promotion criteria. As we move forward, I encourage interested students, staff and faculty to engage with the chairs and members of these groups (listed in the slide show) about details and about ways to get involved. Finally, the announcements of the recipients of the IMRT and seed grant awards are due to be released the first week of May!
- Bonita Veysey, Interim Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives Contact us: | September 2016: May 2015: Recipients of RU-N Initiative for Multidisciplinary Research Teams Awards Announced April 22, 2015: System-wide Strategic Planning |

Track the development of 15 Washington, Hahnes Building, and Life Sciences II

Over the next few months, the leadership across RU-N will engage their units and each other in conversations about the implications of our strategic vision for their work, to identify specific ways their unit can bring this plan to life.

RU-N has announced more than $4 million in seed grants under the Chancellor’s Seed Grant Program, which is more than double the $2 million projected in the competition’s original request for proposals. The program is designed to cultivate sustainable projects that advance the priorities articulated in the university’s strategic plan.

Four priority areas have been identified where a deeper kind of reflection on our practices and opportunities is called for: The New Professoriate, Staffing for the New Mission, The Anchor Institution, and Leveraging Diversity

HLLC is a transformative college access and success program that fosters the academic, social, and personal development of talented students from all walks of life with a desire to make a difference in their communities and beyond. With an innovative curriculum centered on themes of “Local Citizenship in a Global World,” HLLC students will live and learn at RU–N with students from all over the world.