Plans for Possible Remote Instruction

March 9, 2020

Dear Faculty,

Last week you heard from your provosts asking you to begin making plans for academic continuity in the event university operations are disrupted by COVID-19.

I am writing to clarify expectations. I understand that transitioning your classes to remote instruction will be a challenge for faculty and students alike. While we have not yet made a decision to suspend face-to-face instruction, it is imperative that you take steps now to prepare for this possibility.

All active instructors are expected to develop remote-instruction plans to complete the balance of the spring curricula and submit them for review by their department chairs by Wednesday, March 18. On March 19, chairs must report to their deans, who must in turn verify to their chancellors by March 20, that all faculty are prepared for a transition to remote instruction. Faculty must be ready for remote instruction by Monday, March 23.

Your chancellors will follow up with specifics of these plans. In the meantime, I thank you for your cooperation as we work together to manage a difficult situation while keeping our students moving forward on their academic paths.


Robert Barchi