Nancy Cantor Has Been Reappointed as Rutgers University-Newark Chancellor

November 14, 2018

Members of the Rutgers Community:

I am delighted to congratulate Nancy Cantor as she completes the first five years of her outstanding tenure as Chancellor of Rutgers University–Newark, and to announce that she has been reappointed to this position for an additional five-year term.

Throughout her chancellorship, Dr. Cantor has been a tireless advocate for Rutgers’ role as an anchor institution of the City of Newark and has been dedicated to celebrating and enriching Rutgers–Newark’s diversity.

Under her leadership, Rutgers University–Newark has achieved tremendous results. A new financial student aid program, RU-N to the TOP, has provided thousands of students and their families access to a Rutgers education that they could not otherwise afford, and in the process has further diversified the student body. The Honors Living-Learning Community, which will soon have its own new home, has gained national attention for its innovative approach to the honors college model, mixing academic prowess with grit and leadership and a commitment to social justice. These and other new initiatives have helped increase the number of Newark residents attending Rutgers–Newark by 59 percent in the past five years.

Chancellor Cantor was a major force behind creating Express Newark, the University-Community Arts Collaboratory in the former Hahne’s building. Thousands of city residents and Rutgers students have benefited from, and contributed to, this thriving arts incubator. Dr. Cantor also has taken a prominent role in the City of Learning Collaborative that strives to raise the number of Newark residents with a postsecondary degree from 17 percent to 25 percent by 2025. She also launched the P3 Collaboratory for Pedagogy, Professional Development, and Publicly-Engaged Scholarship to help faculty members and graduate students increase student success and navigate diverse career trajectories through excellence in teaching, high-impact scholarship, and leadership.

By any measure, Nancy Cantor has provided strong and successful leadership for Rutgers University–Newark, and we take pride in all she has already accomplished. I know you join me in congratulating Chancellor Cantor, and I look forward to her continued excellence and vision in the years ahead.


Robert Barchi