Announcement of Interim Chancellor Christopher Molloy

July 25, 2018

Members of the Rutgers University–New Brunswick Community:

Earlier today you received an announcement from Dr. Deba Dutta indicating that he has stepped down from his position as chancellor of Rutgers University–New Brunswick and announcing that he will be returning to his position as distinguished professor in the School of Engineering.

Dr. Dutta served admirably as chancellor of Rutgers–New Brunswick. During his year as chancellor, Deba oversaw a significant administrative restructuring of the campus and met well the challenges of such an awesome responsibility.

I wish him the best as he assumes his faculty position; I know that the members of the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees share my good wishes for Deba.

Christopher J. Molloy, Ph.D. was today named as interim chancellor of Rutgers University–New Brunswick. Dr. Molloy assumes this position after serving as the university’s senior vice president for research and economic development since December 2013. He was previously the dean of the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, the interim provost for biomedical and health sciences, and the interim chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences.

I speak for the entire Rutgers community—the faculty, students, staff, and both governing boards—in welcoming Dr. Molloy as he meets the challenges of this new position.


Robert Barchi