In Appreciation of Those Who Serve

November 11, 2018

Members of the Rutgers Community:

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended World War I. We take time today—and tomorrow, Veterans Day—to honor all those who have served our nation in the armed forces. Rutgers people have been serving America in this way since the Revolutionary War. During World War I, more than 830 of our students and alumni—and four faculty members—served. Twenty-one paid the supreme sacrifice.

That honorable tradition continues to this day. Rutgers is fortunate to count among its student body, its alumni ranks, and its employees a great many who have served or who are currently serving and preparing to deploy. We are deeply committed to honoring that service. 

I am pleased to say that through our Office of Veteran and Military Programs and Services and offices on each of our campuses in Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick, we work hard to support our veterans and those on active duty. We know how critical it is to help men and women make the transition to civilian life and to make it possible for them  to advance in their studies at Rutgers. Thanks to the efforts of a fabulous and dedicated team across the university, Rutgers has just been ranked #3 among all four-year colleges in a “Best for Vets” survey by Military Times, which marks our seventh consecutive year in the top five in the nation. 

Let me also take this opportunity to remind you that Rutgers’ University Behavioral Health Care operates Vets4Warriors, a confidential, peer-to-peer counseling program that has already had 300,000 contacts from veterans across the country. Vets4Warriors has helped veterans dealing with problems such as depression, anxiety, isolation, and suicidal thoughts. If you want to learn more or want to refer a veteran in need, visit

Today, tomorrow, and every day, Rutgers takes pride in the men and women who have made the commitment to serve our nation, and have done so with courage and honor. To all the veterans among us, I offer you and your loved ones our thanks, our enduring admiration, and our best wishes on this milestone Veterans Day.


Robert Barchi